Thursday, May 9, 2013

Just waiting for the sun

This isn't what I'd intended to post today, but when I was outside and saw these, I changed my mind. I took the photos just a few minutes ago (as it was sprinkling out).

All they need is a bit of sunshine, and they'll pop right open!

I even remembered to spray them with Liquid Fence, so nothing has nibbled on them.

Sooo ready, aren't they?

It rained all day yesterday (beautifully... gently), and is still raining lightly, with more on the way today. But tomorrow the sun is supposed to be back, so the tulips will open then, I'm sure!

These violas (a.k.a. johnny jump-ups) don't care whether the sun is out or not. They've been blooming for a couple of days already.

I do believe spring is here! Okay, so we could get a little frost Saturday night, but back into the 80's again by Tuesday! Such crazy weather.


LiEr said...

Can you tell I'm catching up on your posts? Also that I'm procrastinating some kind of kitchen duty? Speaking of tulips, the MIL came back from Amsterdam yesterday and brought me a bouquet of tulips. Holland tulips!!! Must take photo. Kate tried to prise them open to see what they were hiding inside. Silly girl. Everyone knows little fairies live inside closed tulips and don't care for being spied on.

Grandma G said...

Ahh... the ol' procrastination trick! Ha!

Lucky you, on the tulips! Yes, do take pics!

I didn't know about the fairies! Must go peek!!

Jessica Jones said...

80s!?! What! I'd better check our forecast and see if we get some.

Grandma G said...

You DO, Jess! For ONE day, just like us. :)

Kim said...

I love Tulips, and evidentally the deer in my yard do too :( Guess I'll just enjoy the ones you post.

Grandma G said...

Yes, deer do love tulips. Sorry to hear about yours, Kim. :( Better get some Liquid Fence for next year!