Friday, January 12, 2018

Something different and beautiful

This is a different sort of post from the usual sewing stuff. I mention in my last post that we have something beautiful. Here it is!

Isn't he gorgeous? He's a stallion. We're temporarily boarding him for someone, just until he gets sold. In the meantime, we enjoy seeing him every day.

He is a shire, thus he is a very big horse! His owner said he's close to 18 hands, which equals about 6 feet from the ground to the top of his withers above his front legs. They're measured there because that's the only place his height doesn't shift when he stands. I learned that recently.

He prances a little when he walks, really lifting those front feet. Look how fluffy those huge feet are!

Here are a few more photos for your viewing pleasure.

And maybe for a chuckle.

See that white patch down below his flank? That's the main reason he's being sold. The owner doesn't want that white to show up down his breeding line.

Last Tuesday my favorite photography assistant came after school. Here she is giving a little size reference.

Yes, Ethan is very friendly. Shires are noted for their calm temperaments. Someone recently referred to them as "gentle giants".

Giant, indeed. My assistant got a shot of me to show you how big Ethan is, too!

He loves his grain, which he gets a scoop of once a day. When he's particularly impatient, he will rear up and/or kick up his heels. I've tried getting a photo or video of him doing that, but of course he won't do it when I have the camera along. Stinker.

This is the scene I often see when I go out to feed the cats. He's waiting for me.

He doesn't mind the cold or snow, although he doesn't care much for the arctic winds we've had lately (nor do I!), and he'll go into the cattle shed when it's too nasty. Otherwise he's outside, even if it's well below zero, which it has been a lot lately. Brrr!

All in all, he's very pleasant to have around, not to mention very photogenic, and I don't mind if he doesn't get sold for a long time!


Geneviève said...

He is such a beautiful creature, no wonder you were inspired to take many pictures of him (which I am definitely not complaining about!)

I am kinda surprised the cold doesn't bother him, given that his fur is far from what Zeus has. ;) A gentle giant sure seems like a fitting description. Can you enter his enclosure safely or you can only pet him from outside?

Grandma G said...

I'm sure glad you're not complaining, Gen! 😄 Yes, it's hard to stop taking pics of him! Well, when the weather's warm enough to not freeze my fingers off, that is... which isn't very often these days (or I'd have a whole lot more).

Y’know, I’ve never gone into the pen with him. I think he’d be fine, but I wouldn’t want to test that out without someone else here. He’s so big that he could wipe me out in a hurry if he wanted to! Or even if he got a little too friendly and knocked me down... or accidentally stepped on my toes with one of those huge feet... it would not be good! I’ll stay on my side of the fence for now. 😉

Grandma G said...

P.S. Can you imagine what he’d look like if he had fur like Zeus’s?!?!! 😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

Wow! He's beautiful! Always thought it would be fun to have a horse on the farm.

Grandma G said...

It is fun... even if he isn't ours. 😊