Courtney's first Christmas... and what fun having a little one around again for the celebration! Of course everything seemed to center around her, including photos. :-) Here she is all decked out in her pretty Christmas outfit with Uncle Alex and Auntie Jess:
Sure is tough crawling in a dress, though!
So later she got her jammies on... not so much for "crawlability" as in anticipation of her getting tired and ready to sleep. Here she seems to be just about out of energy as she pulls things out of her stocking. ("Yeah, right, Mom and Dad... I'm only resting up here... conserving my energy in my own anticipation!")
Yep, the second wind took hold quickly!
Her energy lasted well into the evening... WAY past bedtime! Check out her energetic present-opening demonstration:
She held out very well and only got fussy AFTER she was tucked into bed. But she did eventually give up. A little girl's gotta get her rest... after all, there was more celebrating and gifts to be taken care of the next day, too!