Monday, December 15, 2014


Update: We did get freezing drizzle, freezing rain, sleet, and it's snowing. Not a lot of anything, but enough to let school out at 1:00. It's also very windy, and our power flickers out once in a while. The temperature has also dropped about 35° so far from yesterday's high.

Also, I finished a sewing project that I CAN show you. But with it so cloudy and dark, good photos just aren't too be. Later.....

Our weather's been so crazy! We have had several days of warm, cloudy, foggy weather. This was our temperature at about 9:30 yesterday (Sunday) morning:

Yeah... 52°! That, after having already been below zero a couple weeks ago. It even got a bit warmer during the day. As I write this now (Sunday evening), we're under a Winter Storm Warning for all day Monday! Rain>freezing rain>snow. Interesting, huh?

I'm feeling a bit insane myself. I'm trying to get some major sewing done before Christmas. So the blog is gonna have to take the back seat for awhile. Sorry. I'll show you what I'm sewing when I can, but most of it will have to wait till after Christmas. ;)

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