Saturday, November 3, 2007

Cat Cubes

A few months ago I purchased a couple of "cubes" for my cats to play in. Now, it is hard to find toys that cats will like for any length of time, but they've really gotten a lot of use out of these. And if I need to put them away for awhile, they fold up small and flat, which is nice.
They're not only good for playing in, they're good for napping in, too!

And the cats aren't the only ones who like them! :-)
Okay, so the tag says they're not for children, but Grandma was right there watching her. Courtney thought she was pretty smart, although she did have a little trouble getting out of it, so Grandma rescued her. ;-)


Jessica Jones said...

I like how Courtney color-coordinated her outfit to match.

Swiss Ms. said...

Atticus also loves his cat cube! He feels sophisticated in it, knowing it's imported. What a highbrow kitty he's become....