Thursday, April 17, 2008

Caught in the act!

NOW I know how my towel ends up on the floor so often! I had to set up a surveillance camera to find out. Uh huh... red-handed!

I like the way she washed her face with the washcloth. At least she tried to put it back. And failing that, she grabbed her book and fled the scene!

It sure was good having my day with that little munchkin again. I was having withdrawals after our trip. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whew, I am so glad you are back home! I to was having Courtney Blog withdrawal. Glad you were able to get away and spend some time with Jess and Alex. I bet it was hard to come back from the Big City. We enjoyed seeing the pics of your trip too. J/A are such a cute couple. Happy Spring. Grace