Thursday, October 30, 2008


Although it's warmed up again the last couple days, earlier freezing temps brought an end to many things. I took in the birdbath a few days ago. I hadn't seen any birds at it for quite awhile. And eventually ice would be a little hard to drink.

And here are the last tomatoes of the season. (Yep, the pickers missed a few, Kris.) Rather pretty, aren't they? I pulled the frozen vines out yesterday. So the garden is done for the year.

Okay, one of them isn't totally pretty. But I bet the deer is!

And remember the milkweed? Here's what it looks like now.

I mowed the lawn one last time yesterday. Nice to have that job done for the year, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still have a few formerly green tomatoes that will be delicious on our sandwiches tomorrow. Thanks again for all the tomatoes. I can't wait to eat all that relish, and we've sure enjoyed the rest of them that ripened up. Even shared a few with the neighbor. I'm so glad I didn't just put them in my compost pile when I was done making relish.