About a month ago, Grandpa was playing one of his coyote hunting DVD's. Willow was quite interested.

Then she had to get up for a closer look.

That coyote seemed to be pretty well camouflaged. Can you see him below? Willow apparently didn't.

I wish I'd had the camera handy not long after that when she was sort of doing a tightrope walk across the top of the TV trying to catch some birds or something on the screen below her. What a crazy cat!
A couple weeks later, she was hunting different types of game.

She had no fear of the big stuff!

Unfortunately, that was her last hunt. I've known since last May that she had an incurable illness, PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). Cats that have it are born with it. She was over 4 years old before it started bothering her last October or November, when I noticed she was starting to drink more water than usual. It was a slow decline from there, and finally I had to have her put down yesterday.
That was such a hard but necessary decision for me to make. My poor sweet Willow. She was the best cat I've ever had. She had such a FUN personality! I loved her so much, and I'll be missing her terribly. I could go on and on about all the neat things about her, but I won't bore you with that. I know you're not all cat lovers. Just indulge me in this last tribute to her of the photos below. Thanks.

(Click to enlarge.)