Thursday, February 11, 2010

Daddy's little cowgirl

We found one of Daddy's old hats in the closet the other day. It just fit!

Well, sorta....

But it made for an awful cute barefoot cowgirl, if you ask me! :-)

Actually, I had a hard time getting pics of her wearing it. She wanted me to wear it... pretending to be "the man in the yellow hat" while she was Curious George going to the hospital to get a puzzle piece taken out of her tummy. :-) We had lotsa fun!


Kim said...

Oh what a cute cowgirl! Courtney should come visit her cousin. Cadyn's room is decorated with Curious George and the man in the Big Yellow Hat.

grace said...

I think the part of the monkey fits her very well. Must be type casting. Adorable.

Becky said...

Too dang cute and funny! What a card she is!