Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Okay... more cats! - Part 2

Gotta say... I love having the birdbath on the deck railing. It provides me with so many photo opps... be it birds... or other creatures!

Soooo... yesterday you saw Mama's orange-and-white kitten. Sunday afternoon, his sibling (sex as yet undetermined, but I'll refer to it as "he", because that's my guess) appeared for a drink. Hmm... he sure looks like a lot of other cats around here, doesn't he? *sigh*

He had his drink, but he seemed very wary. He kept kind of ducking from something!

Then he hopped down to Mama and his ever-playful brother:

Suddenly both he and Mama were watching something in the sky. They looked one way...

... then the other way:

I finally saw that there was a big hawk flying back and forth above them. Now wouldn't that have made for an exciting... albeit sad... photo, if the hawk had swooped down and snatched that little black-and-white guy while I was taking a pic of him by the birdbath?! But they all headed safely under the deck for a while, and the hawk flew away.

Mama takes very good care of her babies. These two seem to be very healthy and not lacking for food. I did see her with a big fat mouse in her mouth calling to them on Saturday. She's the best mother cat and hunter ever.

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