I feel very out-of-the-groove when it comes to writing blog posts! Yikes! I guess I took too much time off sewing kangaroos and mowing, etc., etc., and I lost my blog-train-of-thought. Plus, I've taken sooo many pics with my iPad (which now end up automatically on my PC, too - thanks a heap, Jenny!!) that I'm feeling overwhelmed with photos and don't know where to start showing you stuff. Aargh.
Also, I must confess that I'm a bit addicted to Instagram. Hello... my name is Grandma G, and I'm an IG addict. There. I feel better now. Ha. However... if you want to see those photos, you don't have to have an IG account. Just go to https://instagram.com/grandma_g415 (if that doesn't work for you, try taking the 's' off of https) and you can see them, plus some cute kitten videos!
That being said, here I am back with what else but a cat story.
This, as you probably recognize, is Autumn. When I saw her doing this, I thought I had another weird-water-drinking cat.
She caught me shooting her. "I am not weird!"
Then she went back to it.
But I noticed something and had to go outside for a closer look:
Uh oh!
Some poor little goldfinch didn't fare so well!
I don't know who did it. Maybe Autumn, but I kind of doubt it.
I was hoping it was the goldfinch that has been persistently trying to get through our living room windows for the last WEEK and won't give up... but I was not so lucky. He's still at it. (There's even a video of him on my Instagram feed.)
Hi Grandma G! :P
Seriously? This bird seems to be equally persistant as it is silly. The cat didn't pick the right one to eat..
And is Autumn a bad hunter? Or she would have the decency to do her hunting elsewhere than in your birdbath? :P
Well, hi Geneviève! Long time no see! ;)
I don't know if she's a bad hunter or not. It's just that I don't think she'd have been so curious if she'd have been the one to do the deed. Y'know?
Goldfinch tea? Silly cat!
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