Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The branch

I took the camera outside with me this morning, hoping to find something photo-worthy to blog about, but things are pretty brown and dreary around here now, and I just couldn't make myself snap any pics. Then I remembered the sawed-off branch I wondered about in yesterday's post, so I checked it out. I took some pics to show you what the deal was. However, as I was looking at them on the computer, I didn't know if you'd be able to see very well, so I started playing, and here you have the results. You can also click on the pics to see them much bigger.

Conclusion: Yep, a sawed-off branch that just never got removed. If I could've jumped high enough, maybe I could've gotten it down, but I guess it'll just have to stay there for now.

Okay, enough tree branches. Didn't know you were gonna get a bonus, did you, Gwen? ;)  Now I'm just going to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! I plan to take a few days off from blogging and be back here on Monday, unless something momentous happens that I MUST share with you, which is doubtful. You'll be busy stuffing your turkeys and your faces, anyway, and hopefully enjoying time with families and friends for the long weekend, so maybe we won't miss each other much. Enjoy! And don't forget to take note of all those things you have to be thankful for! (I, for one, am thankful for the 63° we're supposed to get today! Woohoo!!)


Anonymous said...

I didn't know we would have to pay such a high price for that 63degree day. This morning at LC the temp must have started near 10 degrees.



Grandma G said...

Actually, our thermometer bumped the bottom of the 70-degree mark on Wed.! And yeah, dropping to 10 was hard on the system!! Brrrr, indeed!

Great to see you on Thanksgiving!