Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What happens when Annie Dee dances

Annie Dee apparently has some power in her rain dances! We did get a little shower this morning, although I think she quit too soon, because it was only enough to settle the dust for a bit.

It also made the cement in front of the garage quite wet, and after it had started to dry off, I happened to look out the window and saw this cute little scene:

I guess Spotty didn't like being wet, and on top of his mama was the best dry spot he could find.

Too sweet. :)


annie dee said...

LOL! I'll start the dancing again and keep on dancing!!

That kitten is too silly.

Grandma G said...

Thanks, AD... just don't hurt yourself. :)

Auntie Kris said...

His mama doesn't look very happy about the situation.

Grandma G said...

Yeah, Kris... "This kid is getting too big for this!"