Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter gifts for Courtney

FINALLY I can show you what I made for Courtney for her Easter gift... I've been dying to show you for about 3 weeks (yeah, can you believe I had something done that far ahead of time? me, either!), but of course I couldn't because it might've spoiled the surprise.

First you must try to guess what I made. Here are 3 of the 4 pattern pieces. Keep in mind that those are ½" squares on my cutting mat. Can you guess?

Okay, what if I added the final piece... now can you guess?

In case you can't, here are the pieces turned over:

Yes, they're pattern pieces for a pair of loafers... very SMALL loafers! Finished they look like this:

Modeled by my assistant, Kit (true color above, not as dark as they look below):

Before making those, I'd also made a pair of sandals (from ribbon scraps and hair elastics):

You see, that's the problem when I go to the Pixie Faire website. Their patterns are just so darn cute that I can't resist! And I love making itty-bitty things. They're so quick and easy to make, and they're kind of a nice break from more complicated patterns. (Okay, that motorcycle jacket does not fall into the "quick and uncomplicated" category!) Mostly they're just plain fun. And so little - heehee!

Courtney was here all day on Monday because she had Easter vacation from school, and she brought her dolls along, so they got to try out their new shoes right away. Coincidentally, they happened to be wearing outfits (after we got them out of their nighties and dressed, that is) that went very well with their new footwear!

Here's a shot of the best friends!

You can about imagine that with Courtney being here for a full day, we had to do a little crafting. Or maybe more than a little. Of course I took pictures! Keep an eye out for them in future posts.


annie dee said...

Wonderful! I'd love a pair of those sandals for myself. Will need to figure out how size up Pixie Faire patterns. Waaaaay up!

Grandma G said...

Haha! Just print the pattern piece bigger, of course! ;)

Jessica Jones said...


Geneviève said...

Really cute!

Berrie said...

These are so cute !

Grandma G said...

Thank you all! :)

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Oh my goodness, they're so tiny! Well done, they look great.

Grandma G said...

Thank you, Kirsty! :)