Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Family Fun!

Okay, just the two of us - Courtney and me - but hey, we're family! And we definitely had fun! We found a new craft project on the Family Fun website, and it turned out to be pretty cool.

First we went outside (bundling up against the COLD and the WIND... aargh!) and gathered up some pretty bits of nature (not the pony, but the other stuff).

Then we each drew a person on a piece of paper, and we gave them clothes and accessories.

Courtney was the "teacher", and I, as the "kid", had to do as she did. That's why both of our persons had pink-eye.

I sorta started the design ideas, and Courtney followed. Here's the beginnings of mine:

Yes, that's a broken toe.

And the beginnings of hers:

These are our finished projects. Courtney loves to trim around things, leaving just a "frame" around them. I think they look pretty neat that way.

Yeah, I know... my shoes don't match!

I also have a subscription to Family Fun magazine, which I got free from purchasing something online I-can't-remember-where. I let Courtney cut pictures out of them yesterday while I was busy with something else. She cut a whole big pile of them to take home and add to her "stash", but these below are collages that she made for Grandpa and me.

So the magazines were good for more than just the projects inside! And I think I started a new cutting binge for Courtney. I'd better dig up some more old magazines before she comes the next time. Oh, that'll be this afternoon! I pick her up after her last day of Kindergarten Connection, and she GRADUATES tonight! Yeah, I know... she graduated last year, too... but this time it's for good! Next fall she starts kindergarten for reals... all day every day. No more 'Tuesdays with Grandma'. *sigh*

1 comment:

Auntie Kris said...

I love that your flower people even have earrings.